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Language Education Science is Accredited B
After being preoccupied with visiting accreditation of several study programs such as Social Studies Education master program, Language Education Science doctoral program, Educational Management master and doctoral programs, the Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) reaped great results from the visitation.
The doctoral program of Language Education Science (D-LES) which had been visited by the assessors of National Accreditation Body for Higher Education finally succeeded in obtaining accreditation B with the score of 333.The accreditation ranking was stated in the Decree from BAN-PT number 277 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / D / VIII / 2014. This accreditation status is valid for five years from 9 August 2014 to 8 August 2019.
The confirmation of status B in the form of a decree from the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education was received by the Head of the Doctoral Program of Language Education Science, Prof. Sugirin, Ph.D., recently with gratitude and joy. He hopes that as a study program that has only started operating in 2012, the doctoral program of Language Education Science can improve its academic quality.
Prof. Sugirin expressed his gratitude to the leadership of UNY and the leaders of Graduate School UNY for their support during the study program accreditation process. According to him, this ranking was the result of the work together of all elements, from the leaders, lecturers, students, and employees of Graduate School UNY.
"We would like to express our gratitude to all parties, to the Accreditation Team for their hard work in compiling every standard in the study program form and self-evaluation. Also to the Quality Assurance Team who has perfected the institutional forms. Special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Zuhdan K. Prasetyo, M.Ed. and Dr. Senam as the internal reviewers of Graduate School UNY who have provided assessment forms before being sent to Jakarta. We also express our gratitude to all employees who have helped carry out the visitation of the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education team several months ago", he stated.
The results of this accreditation shows the role of the doctoral program of Language Education Science UNY in producing quality Doctor (Dr./Ph.D.) who has competence in the field of research and development of language / literature education that has received legality from the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education.
"For lecturers and researchers in the field of language / literature who wish to continue their studies for the doctoral level, the Doctoral Program of Language Education Science can be an alternative for those with this accreditation status," he concluded. (Rb)
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