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Curriculum development at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is carried out by referring to Act no. 12/2012 concerning Higher Education, Presidential Regulation No. 8/2012 on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework ( INQF or KKNI), and Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Cultures No. 73/2013 concerning the Implementation of INQF in the Higher Education Curriculum (HEC). INQF applies an educational approach based on graduate learning outcomes (GLO), which is the development of a competency-based approach in the 2016 Curriculum which is strengthened by the development of critical thinking skills. CPL determines curriculum content, learning process, and assessment of learning outcomes.
Because of the importance of CPL, the review / revision of the curriculum of Language Education Sciences (LES) involves internal stakeholders, namely active lecturers and students, and external stakeholders, namely alumni and graduate users. Stakeholder feedback in focus group discussion (FGD) forums (2-11-2018), Development Team meetings (2018-2019), and active student opinion polling during lectures (2017-2019), were used to formulate the IPB Curriculum which considers several important problems related to:
(1) length of study, with an average of more than ten semesters;
(2) unclear differences in content and target competencies between several doctoral and master courses;
(3) the weaknesses of the 2016 Curriculum in terms of the relevance and appropriateness of the curriculum structure and content compared to similar curricula in other institutions (domestic and foreign) to support the implementation of inter-institutional cooperation through credit transfer and lecturer exchange;
(4) the need to equalize the level of competence with the demands of INQF, namely level 9 (nine);
(5) the need for curriculum adjustments to the demands of Regulation of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) Number 44/2015 about the National Standard of Higher Education (NSHE) and its renewal in Permenristekdikti No. 50/2018;
(6) the need for adjustments of the curriculum with Permenristekdikti No. 35/2017 concerning the new Statute of Yogyakarta State University.
(8) the need for adjusting the IPB curriculum with the demands of the 21st century education and skills development.
The study period that has not met the target is considered related to the curriculum structure and the ability of students to produce scientific papers and journal articles. The structure of the 2016 Curriculum apart from placing the Scientific Paper Writing course in the 3rd semester, which hinders writing journal articles and writing research proposals, is also unclear in its direction and content. Therefore, this course needs to be reviewed for its proper placement in the semester, its naming and the number of its credits.
Full curriculum of D-LES is here
Jl. Colombo No.1, Karangmalang, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281
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